January 20, 2010

Black Arts


  1. WOW! A sexy love fulfilled story with a demonic twist. There's a lot of these types of stories with guy becomes girl to reunite with ex-gf/crush who is lesbian cliche, but you added some good feelings to it plus incorporating that tattoo magic feel to it. And I love the lust feeding demon and the darkness it ends on. I think that's a good idea and frankly would make sense if these tf were possible.

  2. Thanks kronostar, I'm glad someone else liked this one as much as I did. My caps tend to take weird twists and odd directions like that as I'm making them, probably because of my own interest in horror stores or classic fairy tales where one has to be very careful what they wish for. I like having that aspect to the micro-stories in my captions because it is how I tend to write. I like things, even lovely things, to have an edge of danger and uncertainty because it makes them thrilling and interesting to me.

  3. This is another favorite of mine of yours...if that makes sense. It's also one that I wish we could see the rest of the story to, as it seems like it opens up something that could be interesting to follow.

  4. A lot of my caps are like that, it seems. Where they're a glimpse of a bigger story that would be interesting to explore. I've considered writing some TG fiction to accompany a few of them where the story in my head was a bit more fleshed out but

    I just don't feel confident in my writing abilities at all (I tend to have terrible grammar and the like). Not to mention my scattered approach to storytelling is often hard for others to follow. I tend to write very steam of consciousness which not many people like from what I've seen.

    So instead I tend to opt for the micro-fiction of captioning. I'd love to see someone take a go at expanding some of the short glimpses in my captions into full stories. I've always been curious as to what my captions inspire in others and where the stories go in their minds. :)
