March 13, 2010

Unfortunate Realization


  1. Clever contrasting personalities despite the subdued font and colours. I prefer mixing things up a bit more to show off the sexy personality, but then get in trouble by those who complain about readability (despite them having been able to read it themselves). Still even having a slightly more cursive italics font look would have shown off more of a girly personality in the 2nd half.
    Also I very much enjoy the contagious twist at the end.

  2. Loved it. Really thought the personality shift was good. Am I the only one who would willingly drink that formula?

  3. I'm not one for personality destruction, but this one was done rather well, regardless. Also, I would really liked to have seen epilogue hinted at in the end of the cap.

  4. Oooo. Twist after twist. This one is wonderful. The personality turn in the middle creates a lot of friction and the description of what is to become of the two masters makes an already great cap better. I disagree with Anonymous about the epilogue. The ending is perfect.

  5. Love love LOVE the personality change in this one. It is very creatively handled. Great cap.
