June 25, 2010

Best Friends


  1. Just have to say that your recent works have been wonderful.

  2. @Anne - Thank you so much! I'm really glad you and everyone else have been enjoying these latest captions. These have probably been some of my favorite captions I've done in a while so it means a lot to hear that people like them as much as I do.

  3. Oh its so romantic. What a lovely sensory experience. I have had roleplays very similar to this and so this caption brings all that passion back for me.

  4. OMG, best ever!

    I just want some of that spray! Just a little, please?

    Well, maybe more than a little...

  5. please I want to be turn into a 16 year old female will all working parts I live at 332 silver ST Bradford, IL 61421 my email is jualt200811@yahoo.com
